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Superior Seafood in
Rochester, NY

At Empire Meats we offer customers excellent options for frozen seafood in Rochester. Operating under a pledge of quality to our customers, we offer the best selection in our neighborhoods.

  • Lobster tails
  • Crab Legs
  • Mussels
  • Calamari
  • Cooked/Raw Shrimp
  • Clam Meat
  • Fish Filets
    • Perch
    • Haddock
    • Tilapia
    • Catfish
    • Whiting
    • Salmon
side by side of frozen seafood products

Your Mouth Will Water Over Our Wide Selection

We’re here to ensure that these delicious delicacies are accessible to the whole neighborhood! Never mind fancy sushi bars and upscale eateries; you can enjoy the excellent flavors of fine food in your very own kitchen. Our wide selection of products are available for any time or occasion. We pride ourselves on giving our customers the best value that they can’t find anywhere else. We promise top quality always.

Come By Any of Our Locations Today
We Would Love to Serve You!